
Can Facebook guess your political affiliation? Probably.

There's also been renewed interest in Facebook's data practices recently after news broke that Cambridge Analytica, a third-party data firm, allegedly misused information from tens of millions of Facebook users during the 2016 election campaign. Facebook said it is in the process of re-evaluating its … Read More


Facebook gets support from man who won over million dollars from Mark Zuckerberg in IP …

Divya Narendra took Mark Zuckerberg to court in 2004 over IP infringement over Facebook and walked away with a deal believed to be worth over a million dollars. He now runs an online social community targeting professional investors – SumZero.com. In an email interview with Ishani Duttagupta, … Read More


Facebook No Longer Allows Ad Targeting With Third-Party Data

Facebook is shutting down Partner Categories, which was a product that allowed third-party data providers to offer their targeting capabilities to Facebook advertisers. This includes data aggregators like Experian and Acxiom that are able to provide clients with offline data to improve ad targeting, such as … Read More


Budget Buster: Get rich by deleting Facebook

Some of the Silicon Valley priests are starting to renounce their faith: Brian Acton, who became a billionaire after selling WhatsApp to Zuckerberg and friends, now says it's time to delete Facebook. Tristan Harris quit his job as a design ethicist at Google, and started a non-profit called 'Time Well …


Does It Matter That Intel And Facebook CEOs Sold Stock During A Crisis

When a company is in the midst of a crisis, the last thing you want to find out is that the CEO is selling his stock. Recently, Intel and Facebook have each been caught up in separate crises during which their CEOs sold stock. After looking into both situations, I …


The big data lie has been exposed – but just blaming Facebook won’t fix things

It's reassuring to have final, definitive proof that beneath Facebook's highfalutin rhetoric of “building a global community that works for all of us” lies a cynical, aggressive project – of building a global data vacuum cleaner that sucks from all of us. Like others in this industry, Facebook makes money …


Europe is dealing with Facebook in a way the US hasn’t »

Facebook's efforts to save face over its data policy may be less about responding to outrage and more because it has been forced to by European lawmakers who tackled the digital economy when the U.S. wouldn't. Critics have called on Facebook for more transparency — and additional regulation from … Read …


Facebook: Cambridge Analytica Tool Is Coming, It Just Won’t Say When

This week, Mark Zuckerberg said that Facebook will soon debut a “Privacy Shortcuts” feature to enable users to easily delete data-scraping apps, but the announcement overshadows a bigger, far more controversial question on the minds of anybody paying attention to the scandal: “Was my Facebook … Read More


You’ve decided to delete Facebook but what will you replace it with?

But what many do not realise is that both of those apps are owned by Facebook – since September 2012 and October 2014 respectively. It is a mark of the company's dominance of the social media landscape – Facebook has 2.13 billion monthly active users, WhatsApp 1.5 billion and Instagram …


‘They can’t afford to be precious’: Why lots of advertisers aren’t playing hardball with Facebook

Big advertisers have been letting Facebook have it. But lots of advertisers aren't shouting about the Cambridge Analytica fallout. They simply can't afford to. Recently giant marketers like Procter & Gamble and Unilever have been rethinking how much they need to advertise via digital media at all. Read More