
Trouble for big tech as consumers sour on Amazon, Facebook and co

Facebook saw more than $50bn shaved off its value after the Observer revealed that Cambridge Analytica had harvested millions of people's user data for political profiling. Now users are deleting accounts, and regulators may seek to limit how the company monetizes data, threatening Facebook's … Read More


Facebook Complaints Are A New Kind Of 911 Call In The Platform’s Hometown

Over the past few months, Charlie Manning has gotten complaints about Facebook advertisements, requests for assistance in recovering lost passwords and demands to speak to Mark Zuckerberg. She doesn't work for Facebook, though: Manning is a senior 911 dispatcher for the Menlo Park, Calif., … Read More


Jim Fossel: To Facebook, we users are not the customers, but the products

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has had a pretty rough couple of weeks – or at least, as rough a fortnight as any 34-year-old billionaire can have. The value of Facebook stock has plunged recently after it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting firm that assisted Donald Trump … Read …


As Facebook Struggles, Rivals’ Leaders Stay (Mostly) Mum

The recent tribulations of Facebook, which has lurched from crisis to crisis over the past year, most recently over the handling of user's personal data, has pushed a few of the industry's most prominent names to speak out against the company. Marc Benioff, the chief executive of Salesforce.com, has … Read …


How much data are you sharing through Facebook apps?

If you want to continue using Facebook apps and games, you can adjust their permissions. This can be done in the settings under "Apps" by clicking on the respective program in the list. Here users can see and in some cases adjust which information an app is allowed to access, …


Don’t worry just about Facebook and Google. Take note of what China’s doing with AI

Are we worried about the data-gobbling habits of Facebook and its ancillaries – private companies amassing data with less-than scrupulous regard for our privacy? You bet. In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica revelations, anyone beyond the dwindling band of tech-utopians will be more aware of … Read More


No one thinks this is ‘the end of Facebook’ … yet investors sense blood in the water

There is no law that requires Facebook continue to be the dominant social media app in our lives. The history of social media is a history of apps that have eventually stagnated and mostly disappeared. The environment is sending negative signals about engagement, users, advertising, the stock, and … Read More


Facebook staff in uproar over top exec’s leaked memo

Some Facebook staff have questioned whether the company has been transparent enough with its users and with journalists, and many are concerned over what might leak next and are deleting old comments or messages that might come across as controversial or newsworthy, said two employees, … Read More


Ministers push through 29 per cent pay rise for the information watchdog, amid fears that Facebook …

Panicking ministers have pushed through a 29 per cent pay rise for the information watchdog, amid fears that Facebook and Google might try and poach her. The Government has quietly approved the extraordinary salary increase for Elizabeth Denham, which takes her pay to £180,000 – an increase of … Read More


Facebook ‘puts profits before clampdown on anti-semitism’

Facebook was accused last night of avoiding responsibility for anti-semitic material appearing on its platforms in favour of the pursuit of profit. A senior Metropolitan police source who works closely with Facebook said abusive and anti-semitic matter was “easy to find” but the social media giant chose to … Read More