WhatsApp now comes with a new feature for iPhone users, which allows them to view recent status updates in the WhatsApp widget in their phone's 'Today View'. The app has also been updated to support audio message playback outside the chat window and users can now continue listening to voice … …
If you didn't already have a new-found paranoia about your data following Facebook's Cambridge Analytica fiasco, let us introduce you to Chat Watch: the creepy new app that uses your WhatsApp data to share just what you've been up to. The app uses the data from the public online/offline status …
Now, unconfirmed reports of “Israeli users connected to WhatsApp via Facebook servers” have raised another wave of privacy concerns for WhatsApp users as the popular chat platform is now owned by Facebook. While WhatsApp is yet to officially comment, reports claim that this “will ensure better … Read More
Facebook Watch might have ambitions to take on TV, but many of the successful shows in the video-viewing section still owe a ton of debt to the short, news feed videos that Facebook initially popularized. Take, for instance, “Destination Debunkers,” a travel show from Insider that is one of 10 … …
Facebook users angered by recent privacy scandals involving the social media giant and various consulting firms like Cambridge Analytica may be wondering what legal recourse they have to reclaim their data or protect themselves from data manipulation. Unfortunately, while Facebook's actions may … Read More
Zuckerberg's resignation would hit the reset button on Facebook and allow for a pivot even more momentous than the post-IPO move from desktop to mobile. Facebook has gone way too far in terms of treating its users as eyeballs to be manipulated and monetized, and it needs to address the …
Many businesses even have 24/7 social media support. Plus, now with the ability to add unique pages, you can even upload shops and menus on Facebook. With about 80% of all internet users being active on at least one social media platform, it is the key to being in touch …
The European Commission has pledged to crackdown on social media firms in a fresh drive to silence so called 'fake news' propagated by their networks. Spurred by a recent leak of Facebook data, the commission has vowed to intervene in order to prevent democratic processes from being 'subverted' … Read More
Stuffing an opened condom up your nose and pulling it out of your mouth may not be the current teen trend it was recently blown up to be. Regardless of its current prevalence, however, the condom snorting challenge is and was an exceptionally bad idea. Media coverage resurgence of the …
The recent revelation that Facebook allowed British firm Cambridge Analytica to harvest the data of 50 million users has led to a cultural reckoning and spelled serious trouble for the social media giant–and many of its peers. As the dust settles, the question remains: If you're done with Facebook, what … …