
UK committee asks Zuckerberg to testify on ‘catastrophic’ Facebook privacy failure

A UK Parliamentary committee has asked Mark Zuckerberg to appear and provide testimony on how Facebook acquires, stores, and protects users' data. Damian Collins, chair of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee, writes in a letter to Zuckerberg that Facebook officials have “consistently … Read More


Facebook is reportedly under FTC investigation over its handling of user data

Facebook agreed to the settlement, known as a consent decree, in 2011, after allegedly deceiving users over how much personal information they were sharing. The FTC argued that Facebook had misled users by not explaining, among other problems, how much data third-party apps received. As part … Read More


Consumer watchdog may investigate if Facebook data illegally used in Australian elections

The Australian consumer watchdog could investigate if data analytics companies used harvested Facebook data illegally to affect elections, amid revelations about the firm Cambridge Analytica. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is currently examining the impact of search … Read More


Facebook is facing a level of uncertainty it hasn’t seen before, Goldman Sachs says

Facebook was the worst-performing stock in the S&P 500 on Monday, posting its biggest one-day decline since March 2014. Cambridge Analytica worked on Facebook ads with President Donald Trump's campaign ahead of the presidential election in 2016 and has been accused of using the data to … Read More


‘Utterly horrifying’: ex-Facebook insider says covert data harvesting was routine

Sandy Parakilas, the platform operations manager at Facebook responsible for policing data breaches by third-party software developers between 2011 and 2012, told the Guardian he warned senior executives at the company that its lax approach to data protection risked a major breach. Read More


Alex Stamos, Facebook’s Data Security Chief, Plans to Leave Company

As Facebook grapples with a backlash over its role in spreading disinformation, an internal dispute over how to handle the threat and the public outcry is resulting in the departure of a senior executive. The impending exit of that executive — Alex Stamos, Facebook's chief information security officer … Read More


The Problem Is Facebook, Not Cambridge Analytica

Facebook is being hammered for allowing the data firm Cambridge Analytica to acquire 50 million user profiles in the U.S., which it may or may not have used 1 to help the Trump campaign. But the outrage misses the target: There's nothing Cambridge Analytica could have done that Facebook itself … …


I’ve Given 333 Apps Access To My Facebook. Almost None Of Them Need It

How about things that I know I want to be connected to Facebook? There are shockingly few of them. I granted Twitter access so it could push my Tweets into my Facebook news feed. I'm happy to allow apps like Nuzzel and Patreon to see my Facebook friends so I …


Stock market meltdown has to do with a lot more than just Facebook

Facebook was just one factor behind an ugly sell-off in stocks that took the Dow down 1.4 percent Monday. The tech sector, which led the bounce back from February's lows, was leading on the downside Monday, with the Nasdaq down more than 1.8 percent. The market was also focused on …


Facebook profile fraud in 5 steps

Some privacy advocates warn that that psychographics, the practice of measuring or describing people based on their psychological attributes, can reveal a great deal about individuals. That information, contained in caches such as Facebook profiles, can be used to create powerful political messages. Read More