
Facebook isn’t a company. It’s a country that needs to be sanctioned

It's hard to imagine Mark Zuckerberg or Sheryl Sandberg wearing a black eyepatch and stroking a cat while overseeing the covert operation to overthrow America's government. The people at Facebook, for all their flaws, don't seem like the villains in a James Bond movie. And, for what it's worth, they … …


Addicts of Facebook and pals are easy prey for manipulative scumbags – thanks to tech giants …

Relying on internet giants' goodwill to stop the spread of misinformation online and prevent the manipulation of netizens has failed, Europe's top data protection watchdog has said, adding that regulators now need to take action. Giovanni Buttarelli, the European Data Protection Supervisor, emitted this … Read More


Here’s Why That Recent Abuse of Facebook Data Matters

This is, I hope, not a shock to you. In fact, it's one of the biggest takeaways of the recent investigation involving Facebook and a data mining company called Cambridge Analytica. The short version: Cambridge Analytica used a quiz app to scrape data such as users' identities, their friend networks, …


“This Is a Slow Roll”: Silicon Valley Insiders Think That Facebook Will Never Be the Same After the …

Late last Friday, Paul Grewal, Facebook's vice president and deputy general counsel, wrote a seemingly straightforward blog post on the company's newsroom page indicating that Facebook was suspending the data firm Strategic Communications Laboratory, and its political unit, Cambridge Analytica, … Read More


Facebook User-Data Scandal Wipes Out More Than $60 Billion of Social Giant’s Market Cap

Shares of Facebook continued their downward slide Tuesday as investors feared regulatory repercussions after revelations about the company's mishandling of data on 50 million users. Facebook's stock was down 5.3% as of 1:10 p.m. ET Tuesday, after a 6.8% drop Monday. As of midday Tuesday, the … Read More


Zuckerberg has sold more Facebook stock in the last 3 months than any insider at any other company

In the two weeks before Facebook's latest struggles, CEO Mark Zuckerberg sold 1.14 million shares as part of regularly scheduled programs. That was the most insider selling for any public company, going back as far as three months, according to Argus Research's Vickers Weekly Insider. Zuckerberg … Read More


Facebook has lost $60 billion in value

Facebook is having a bad day… for the second day in a row. Following the Cambridge Analytica debacle, Facebook shares (NASDAQ:FB) are currently trading at $164.07, down 4.9 percent compared to yesterday's closing price of $172.56. More importantly, if you look at Monday and Tuesday combined … Read More


Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica Controversy Could Be Big Trouble for the Social Network. Here’s …

Facebook is under fire this week over a controversy involving tens of millions of users' personal information. The drama began when the $500 billion company admitted Friday that data analysis firm Cambridge Analytica, which has close ties to President Trump's election campaign and right-leaning … Read More


The Facebook data breach wasn’t a hack. It was a wake-up call.

Facebook bears a huge amount of culpability for allowing CA to get its data to begin with. However, reports calling CA's data harvesting a “leak,” a “hack,” or a serious violation of Facebook policy are all incorrect. All of the information collected by the company was information that Facebook had …


Facebook has lost nearly $50 billion in market cap since the data scandal

The news that the data analytics firm that helped Donald Trump get elected president was able to amass data on 50 million users without their permission has sent Facebook's market value down nearly $50 billion since Friday. That's the stock's biggest two-day decline ever. As of market close on … Read …