
Facebook gave data about 57bn friendships to academic

Before Facebook suspended Aleksandr Kogan from its platform for the data harvesting “scam” at the centre of the unfolding Cambridge Analytica scandal, the social media company enjoyed a close enough relationship with the researcher that it provided him with an anonymised, aggregate dataset of … Read More


Mozilla pulls ads off Facebook over data access concerns

Mozilla has announced it's suspending its advertising on Facebook in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica privacy controversy — saying it has concerns the current default privacy settings remain risky, and having decided to take a fresh look at Facebook's app permissions following the latest user data … Read More


Post-Scandal, Facebook Isn’t The Only Social Media Site In A Downward Spiral

Facebook and the shady data marketing firm Cambridge Analytica are dealing with the blowback of a recent scandal. And all of social media is feeling the heat. As the story broke, millions of Americans realized that by taking a simple quiz on Facebook, they had given up their personal data …


How to see who your Facebook friends are, and how to unfriend them

Following news of the Facebook data scandal, it's probably a good idea for all of us to do a Facebook audit and see who our friends are. We've probably all collected hundreds, if not thousands, over the years. It's important to trust the people you're friends with, too, since their …


Facebook warned ‘enough is enough’ by advertisers

Advertisers are telling Facebook that "enough is enough" following a data breach that left millions of users' information open to exploitation. It has emerged that ISBA, a trade body which represents major UK advertisers, will meet Facebook this week. If it fails to provide assurances about the security of … Read …


Facebook, Texas, China: Your Thursday Briefing

“We also made mistakes, there's more to do, and we need to step up and do it,” he wrote in a statement outlining the steps Facebook would take to better protect users' information. He also spoke to The Times about his plans for change. Given that the gathering of user …


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s key comments on the data breach scandal

The Facebook chief executive finally spoke out on the Cambridge Analytica data scandal on Wednesday. In a Facebook post, he outlined new steps the company would take to boost the protection of user data. Zuckerberg said "sorry" for Facebook's role and also said that he would be open to regulation. …


Facebook’s Zuckerberg Admits Mistakes, Outlines Fixes

LONDON (AP) — Breaking more than four days of silence, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted mistakes and outlined steps to protect user data in light of a privacy scandal involving a Trump-connected data-mining firm. Zuckerberg posted on his Facebook page Wednesday that Facebook has a … Read More


Facebook lays out stricter rules to protect your social data

It's been a few years coming, but today Facebook unveiled its strategy for protecting user data on its platform. The basic gist? The company is going to be more cautious about how data is shared, and be much more transparent with its users. Today's announcement came alongside Mark Zuckerberg's … Read …


Much of Wall Street thinks the Facebook data scandal is overblown

Altimeter Capital Management CEO and founder Brad Gerstner is one of many on Wall Street who thinks Facebook's latest scandal is no big deal. He called Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg "one of the best management teams in global technology" and recommends buying … Read More