
Facebook fell 13 percent this week to below $160, the stock’s worst week since July 2012

Facebook stock suffered its third worst week of all time in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica data scandal — which heightened privacy concerns and spurred government probes into the social media giant. The company's shares fell more than 13 percent for the week, closing Friday just below $160. Read …


Elon Musk deleted Facebook pages for Tesla and SpaceX in response to #DeleteFacebook

There might be something deeper to this Musk vs. Facebook situation. If you'll recall, Musk and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had a little beef last year when Zuckerberg suggested that people who created doomsday scenarios about artificial intelligence were irresponsible. Musk has said often that he … Read More


Cambridge Analytica says it’s conducting a third-party audit over Facebook data

As it has claimed before, Cambridge Analytica says it destroyed the mishandled Facebook data years ago, but new reporting has brought that claim into question. Facebook said recently it was working with a firm to conduct its own audit of Cambridge Analytica, but the investigation is on pause while the … …


The world still needs news. It’s time Facebook realised this

We are at a crunch point between truth and lies, and Facebook is right at the centre. This week we – the Observer and Guardian, Channel 4 News and the New York Times – have thrown our all at exposing the dark arts facilitated by Facebook's waywardness and its neglect …


Congress tells Zuckerberg he’s who they want to hear testify on Facebook’s data leak

Congress on Friday formally asked Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to testify about what happened with the Cambridge Analytica data scandal — and what Facebook is doing to protect user data and privacy. In a letter from the House Committee on Energy and Commerce sent on Friday — which … Read More


Facebook data privacy scandal has one silver lining: Thousands of new jobs AI can’t handle

The Facebook data privacy and Russian election interference scandals show that artificial intelligence is still not up to many critical jobs in the technology sector. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said this week the social media company will be adding another 5,000 jobs before the end of the year, on top … …


Facebook hit with four lawsuits in one week over Cambridge Analytica scandal

Facebook has been sued four times in Northern California federal courts this week in response to the Cambridge Analytica data sharing scandal, SFGate reports. The London-based data analytics firm misused data from as many as 50 million users, as reports from The Guardian and The New York … Read More


Steve Bannon on Cambridge Analytica: ‘Facebook data is for sale all over the world’

Bannon is a former vice-president and board member of the political consultancy, which he agreed he “put together”. He claimed at conference in New York that neither he nor Cambridge Analytica had anything to do with “dirty tricks” in the use of information harvested from Facebook to make computer … Read …


How to control what people can see on your Facebook

Almost everyone you know probably has a Facebook account, making the social media platform an easy place to share all sorts of personal information with friends and family. But all that data may not always remain between just you and those on your friends list. As it's been recently revealed …


The Facebook and Cambridge Analytica scandal, explained with a simple diagram

There is a complicated web of relationships that explains how the Trump campaign, via the help of a political consulting firm, was able to harvest raw data from 50 million Facebook profiles to direct its messaging. The consulting firm, Cambridge Analytica, is tangled up in several scandals, as my … Read …