
‘A grand illusion’: seven days that shattered Facebook’s facade

Since the Observer reported that the personal data of about 50 million Americans had been harvested from Facebook and improperly shared with the political consultancy Cambridge Analytica, it has become increasingly apparent that the social network has been far more lax with its data sharing … Read More


Do you have it what it takes to quit Facebook?

Facebook does it, too. That's what Pat Jenakanandhini, of Westford, learned on Wednesday, when he went to delete his account in the wake of the data-breach scandal, disgusted that the social media site has become a “surveillance tool.” “It showed me all these pictures [of Facebook friends] and said, … Read …


Facebook Comes Under Siege

But with more than two billion users, Facebook is the top target for privacy concerns, and it is almost certain that the company will not walk away unscathed. Pressure by lawmakers and regulators in the U.S. and Europe, unease among advertisers, and anger among its users means that the company's … …


Advertisers are turning up the heat on Facebook

"It is clear from our meeting today that this is a priority for Facebook and that they now have a lot of work to do," the group said in a letter to its members that was provided to CNN. A controversy erupted last weekend following reports that Cambridge Analytica, a …


Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica Debacle: Why This Data-Privacy Storm Is Different, And What’s Next

Facebook has been at the center of multiple swirling controversies in recent years. Those include charges that it failed to thwart Russia's social-media gambit to manipulate the 2016 U.S. election; its role in disseminating “fake news”; a spate of shocking live-streaming video of murders and suicides; and … Read More


Will Facebook Chief Zuckerberg’s Response Over Cambridge Analytica Data Scandal Suffice?

Despite the recent lack of public visibility from Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, during the Cambridge Analytica crisis until he broke cover to talk to CNN, some pundits are asking whether he should have acted sooner in addressing matters. While admitting that the social media giant was “not on top … …


Commentary: 5 Questions Facebook’s Leaders Still Need to Face

In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook's public image has been seriously damaged. But the company's real problem is that CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg still don't know how to fix the company's underlying problems. Zuckerberg finally addressed the scandal this … Read More


Why Did Elon Musk Delete His Facebook Pages?

This week's revelations about a British political consultancy's use of data from 50 million Facebook users for potentially shady purposes has prompted many people to declare they will quit the social network in protest. One of the newest additions to the bandwagon is Elon Musk, the wealthy entrepreneur … Read More


Pando founder Sarah Lacy unpacks Facebook’s ‘crisis of confidence’

"I have never seen a public company that is as on top as Facebook is have this much of a crisis of confidence and have this many senior people inside the Valley, this many people the company made rich, publicly taking stances saying to delete the app," said veteran tech …


Rise of digital politics: why UK parties spend big on Facebook

Sam Jeffers, the co-founder of Who Targets Me, a body that tries to monitor political Facebook advertising, says the difference stems from the fact that the Conservatives had a better overall strategy in 2015. “In 2015 they targeted Lib Dem seats in the south-west; in 2017 they targeted Labour seats …