
One of Facebook’s biggest sins is against language

Facebook is guilty of many things, but leaving aside the vast, scandalous surveillance programme it has created while apparently knowing everything about its “users” and little about its app developers, one of its biggest sins is against language. Corporate language is all terrible, of course, but wrestling … Read More


Facebook Explains Its Opt-In Call And SMS History Logging System

Over the last few years, Facebook has been collecting call history and SMS data from Android devices. A number of users recently discovered the data that was collected after backing up their Facebook history. Those users were most likely concerned about what Facebook has been collecting following … Read More


Facebook’s digital empire hard to shake despite Cambridge Analytica scandal

Removing Facebook's app from your smartphone — or even committing social networking harakari — may be cathartic for those who don't like the idea of their personal photos, messages and “likes” being shared without their knowledge. And to be fair, Facebook has progressively clamped down on … Read More


Facebook took call and message data from phones

Facebook has been hit with a fresh scandal after users found the tech giant collected phone numbers and text messages from Android devices. The new drama comes as the company bought ads in American and British newspapers to apologise for the Cambridge Analytica scandal. The website Ars … Read More


Facebook questioned about pulling Android call, text data

On the same day Facebook bought ads in U.S. and British newspapers to apologize for the Cambridge Analytica scandal, the social media site faced new questions about collecting phone numbers and text messages from Android devices. The website Ars Technica reported that users who checked … Read More


Public trust in Facebook fades in light of privacy concerns

The recent privacy scandals regarding Facebook and Cambridge Analytica are starting to take a toll on the company's reputation. Reuters reports that recently released polls taken in the United States and Germany indicate that a majority of the public have lost faith in the company's ability or desire to … Read …


Facebook says sorry again in string of major newspaper ads

Facebook's privacy practices have come under fire after Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting firm affiliated with US President Donald Trump's 2016 election campaign, got data inappropriately. The firm is alleged to have created psychological profiles to influence how people vote or even think … Read More


Facebook apologizes for ‘breach of trust’ in newspaper ads

Facebook Inc. took out full-page ads in nine newspapers in the U.S. and the U.K. on Sunday and apologized for “a breach of trust” following the Cambridge Analytica data-privacy scandal. “You may have heard about a quiz app built by a university researcher that leaked Facebook data of millions of … …


Facebook denies logging users’ calls, texts without permission

Facebook on Sunday denied it had been logging Android users' call and text history without their permission. While some users' information is logged, the social media site said the function "has always been opt-in only." When the feature is enabled, the feature allows Facebook to see when a call or …


Fleeing Facebook app users realise what they agreed to in apps years ago – total slurpage

It was the weekend that had it all: promiscuous permissions dragged Google into the Facebook privacy row, Facebook apologised again while at the same time denying anything's wrong with its Android apps, and Tim Cook was totally not smug when he chimed into the privacy debate. It's long been … Read …