
Facebook: Download everything the social media network has on you

But now you can get everything you have ever done on the social network by going to your FB page and then clicking on the downward arrow at the top right corner and choosing Settings (https://www.facebook.com/settings). Now look at the bottom of the page and you'll see “Download a copy …


Facebook is now prioritizing local news globally

As Facebook continues to face fierce media scrutiny over how it handles user data, the company may well be wishing for some gentler headlines. So it's perhaps no accident it's chosen today to announce the international rollout of a News Feed tweak it made in the US, back in January, …


No, Facebook, It’s Not OK to Track Users’ Calls and Texts for Years Because They Let You Share …

By now, you're probably used to hearing new information every week about how Facebook has abused users' data and violated their privacy. But even if you think nothing the social network has done could surprise you any more, get ready to be shocked: If you're an Android user and agreed …


Facebook says you allowed it to snoop on your call logs

Following tips from some Facebook users Last week, Ars Technica reported that the social network was collecting call logs and text message history from Android devices on which its apps were installed, without users' permission. The company is now denying that it does this. Per Ars Technica's story, … Read More


If I’ve got your number, so has Facebook

Suddenly lots of people are waking up and asking themselves questions about Facebook. How much data am I sharing with the social media giant? Did I really give permission for it to be collected and stored? And, even more seriously, have I handed over my friends' data to be stored …


How To Regulate Facebook

Imagine that Jimmy Wales and the other good people who built Wikipedia had also created a free, non-commercial version of Facebook ― call it Wikiface. People could use it to stay in touch with family and friends, to pass along items that they found interesting, and create networks of common …


There is ‘good’ data collection and then there’s Facebook, and you need to know the difference

That's because of the same things that got Facebook into its latest privacy mess. The same data that can be used to allegedly influence voters by lying to them is also used to make life easier through personalization. The difference is not the data itself or how it's being collected; …


Facebook denies it collects call and SMS data from phones without permission

After an Ars Technica report that Facebook surreptitiously scrapes call and text message data from Android phones and has done so for years, the scandal-burdened company has responded that it only collects that information from users who have given permission. Facebook's public statement, posted … Read More


Facebook was tracking your text message and phone call data. Now what?

That's not news, but we're only now realizing just how deeply Facebook data mines each of us including our phone call and text messaging records. Tech site Ars Technica cited several users who discovered that if you used an Android phone and installed the Facebook app, the social network was … …


How to make sure Facebook isn’t scraping your call data

An Ars Technica investigation discovered Sunday that Facebook has been gathering phone and message metadata from Android phones. Facebook claims it does not sell this data and that it was always an "opt-in" feature. Regardless, if you want to make sure Facebook isn't collecting this data, it's a … Read More