
FTC, states increase pressure on Facebook on privacy

Facebook's stock, which already took a big hit last week, dropped further Monday after the Federal Trade Commission confirmed news reports that it was investigating the company. Separately, the attorneys general for 37 U.S. states and territories sought details Monday on how Facebook monitored … Read More


With 5 Quick Clicks You Can See All the Data Facebook Has On You. (I Was Truly Stunned By …

I had more than 130 on my account–which I thought was a huge number until I sat down with some colleagues at work, and they realized they had 200 or 300 or more. Now, we'll go through an even more essential exercise: How to download the entire archive of information …


Facebook’s data scandal should be a wake-up call about our online footprint

Believe it or not, something good for consumers could come out of the Facebook data scandal. To recap, a quiz app harvested 50 million Facebook profiles for data which were then sent over to Cambridge Analytica, a firm that was caught claiming it handled the digital aspects of President Donald … …


Divorce Lawyer: Facebook Is a Cheating Machine

Facebook is the single greatest breeding ground ever for infidelity. Nothing that has come before — not swingers' clubs and key parties, not chat rooms, not workplace temptations, not Ashley Madison, Tinder or Grindr; no, not even porn — comes within a thousand miles. I don't keep detailed statistics on … …


Can Mark Zuckerberg Fix Facebook’s Mess?

In April 2016, Mark Zuckerberg delivered the keynote address at Facebook's annual F8 Developer Conference, in which he shared the company's aspiration to “give everyone the power to share anything with anyone.” In the wake of last week's revelations on unauthorized use of the company's massive … Read More


You’ll like this: Facebook probed by US watchdog amid privacy storm

The US Federal Trade Commission has confirmed it is probing Facebook over privacy concerns, sending the social network's share price into a downward spiral. The FTC said in a statement on Monday it has launched a non-public investigation into reports of Facebook's policies amid continued … Read More


Cook County sues Facebook: “It is the largest data-mining operation in existence”

The hits just keep on coming for Facebook and its media-narrative frenemy Cambridge Analytica. Earlier today, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission said it was investigating Facebook for its privacy practices, and now Cook County, Illinois, is suing the two companies, accusing them of misusing the data … Read More


New poll reveals Facebook’s standing with Americans has slumped after Cambridge Analytica …

Facebook's standing in the eyes of Americans has slumped after the Cambridge Analytica scandal, according to a new poll. The number of US respondents who viewed the company unfavourably jumped from 28 per cent in October to 43 per cent in mid-March. Over the same period the proportion of … Read …


Will news organizations face Facebook-fueled blowback for using third-party tracking on their own …

While Facebook continues its apology tour — including making a full-page statement in print — news organizations might not want to get too comfortable, thanks to online tracking-based advertising. Doc Searls shared some thoughts on what he sees as the hypocrisy of news organizations covering … Read More


Facebook’s Response To Its Phone Record Harvesting Shows Nothing Has Changed

Fresh off its week-long response to the Cambridge Analytica story, Facebook made headlines again this weekend when some users downloading their Facebook data archives noticed the company had been harvesting their phone records and archiving them on its own servers. The company's response … Read More