
The Facebook Privacy Setting That Doesn’t Do Anything at All

Wrangling your Facebook privacy settings—fine-tuning what data friends, advertisers, and apps can access—is a slog. The menus are labyrinthine, the wording obtuse. And it turns out that one of them is completely pointless. In fact, it hasn't worked in years. To be clear: This is not a case of Facebook … …


I checked and it turns out Facebook knows a lot about me – Even if you forget, Facebook remembers

Facebook also lists every advertiser that has my contact info. This list includes Airbnb, Spotify, The Economist, Target, Safeway, Brooks Brothers, Marriott and dozens of other companies. It also has names of individuals, including American singer-songwriter Chris Stapleton, for whatever reason. Read More


Here Are the Myriad Ways Facebook Is Getting Dunked on Right Now

Lawmakers, users, investors—all of them have very legitimate bones to pick with Facebook, such that it's getting increasingly difficult to keep track of just which entities are currently threatening to depose tech's boy-king. For your convenience, we've compiled them all here, and will continue to update … Read More


How to stop Facebook from looking for you with face recognition

Assuming you haven't completely erased Facebook from your life and have instead chosen to carefully inspect your privacy settings and limit what Facebook has on you, I'm going to offer another piece of optional advice. If you're generally distrustful of the social network, you might want to think about … Read …


Facebook explains why it shows who ignored your event

I know you only have a Facebook account for event invites, and I get it. This week on Why'd You Push That Button, Kaitlyn and I explore ignored Facebook events. More specifically, we talk about the check mark and “seen” that Facebook puts under any guest's name who has opened …


Facebook will send a top exec to appear in front of UK lawmakers, but not CEO Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook will send either Chief Technology Officer Mike Schroepfer or Chief Product Officer Chris Cox to appear in front of UK lawmakers in regards to the Cambridge Analytica data scandal. Damian Collins, a member of parliament, last week requested Facebook to make available a senior executive to … Read More


How Facebook Helps Shady Advertisers Pollute the Internet

It was hard to believe that Facebook would cozy up to disreputable advertisers in mid-2017 as it was under intense scrutiny from lawmakers and the media over revelations that Russian trolls had used the platform to influence the 2016 presidential election. Officially, the Berlin conference was for … Read More


Be a pioneer – delete Facebook

When I wrote an about-to-be-published book last year about problems with social media, I thought it would be cute to call it Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now. And then the Cambridge Analytica scandal broke, motivating a modest but notable wave of Facebook deletions … Read More


Take a look at what information Facebook stores about you

Johannesburg – Facebook's Cambridge Analytica debacle has put users on high alert over what data is stored by the social network. Facebook's function to download stored data reveals the platform may be storing information users are unaware of, despite having unintentionally given their consent for … Read More


Meet the open sorcerers who have vowed to make Facebook history

Once upon a time the internet ran on open protocols, and anyone could host servers that ran these protocols. Your first dial-up internet connection probably came with a bundle of tools for groups and chat. If you weren't happy with the service from your ISP you'd point the client at …