
Facebook Updated Its Privacy Settings! And It Is a Huge Deal!*

The same changes just made to Facebook's privacy controls would've been necessary anyway if Facebook were to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) — the sweeping personal data protection measures the European Union will implement in May. So! Nobody should be … Read More


Facebook Changes Privacy Controls As Criticism Escalates

Facebook responded to intensifying criticism over its mishandling of user data Wednesday by adding features to its site that give users more visibility and control over how their information is shared. The changes also enable users to prevent the social network from sharing that information with … Read More


Facebook Fallout Spreads With Product Delay, Privacy Overhaul

Facebook's new hardware products, connected speakers with digital-assistant and video-chat capabilities, are undergoing a deeper review to ensure that they make the right trade-offs regarding user data, according to people familiar with the matter. While the hardware wasn't expected to be available … Read More


Here’s How to Download and Delete Your Facebook Data

Last week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg fielded questions from news outlets about whether he would testify before Congress about Facebook's collection and distribution of user data. Zuckerberg answered that he would be open to the possibility, and on March 27, CNN and other outlets reported … Read More


Facebook makes its privacy tools easier to find

Facebook today announced it has overhauled its privacy tools, consolidating some into a single screen, and making others vastly easier to access. Previously, Facebook's privacy settings on mobile were spread across 20 different screens. Now, users just have to head to one place. The company has … Read More


Facebook Says It’s Putting All Your Privacy Settings in One Place, Which It Was Going to Do …

Facebook has been playing a shell game with your privacy for years, but now it says it will put all of the settings that control your data under one shell. In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal in which Facebook lost control of 50 million users' personal data, the …


As Tech Titans Continue To Face Questions, Facebook Has Likely Peaked

A picture taken in Moscow on March 22, 2018 shows an illustration picture of the English language version of Facebook about page featuring the face of founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. A public apology by Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg, on March 22, 2018 failed to quell outrage over the hijacking … …


Facebook Just Revealed 3 Major Changes to Its Privacy Settings

The priority, Facebook said, is making its privacy settings more accessible and providing clearer explanations about how data tools are used. The changes come as the #DeleteFacebook movement grows and various companies distance themselves from the social media platform after it was revealed … Read More


Facebook responds to privacy crisis by making privacy tools easier to find

Facebook adjusted its privacy settings page today, following the ongoing Cambridge Analytica data scandal. Most obviously, the privacy settings page now features shortcuts with images to make it easier to navigate, particularly on mobile. Users can enable two-factor authentication, control what they … Read More


Gene Munster: Facebook stock could be ‘stuck in the mud’ for up to a year

Advertisers for the first time must now decide whether putting content on Facebook represents a liability, tech analyst-turned-venture capitalist Gene Munster told CNBC on Wednesday. "I don't think there's going to be some huge aversion from Instagram or Facebook. I think that those platforms are going … Read More