
Tech giants like Google and Facebook are ‘ripe for the plucking,’ says investor Jim Mellon

British investor Jim Mellon is taking aim at tech giants like Google and Facebook. Speaking with CNBC's "Squawk Box," Mellon said the days of rapid growth for the companies are behind them as increased government regulation looks more likely. "These fatted calves are now ripe for the plucking by … Read …


Facebook will no longer allow third-party data for targeting ads

Facebook announced today that it's disabling a form of advertising targeting called Partner Categories, which allowed prominent third-party data aggregators like Experian and Acxiom to provide clients with offline data like purchasing activity to inform ad targeting. The move comes amid the fallout from … Read More


Facebook increases lobbying presence on Capitol Hill before Zuckerberg testimony

The company has listed 12 policy-related job openings based in Washington DC as it faces increased scrutiny over its privacy policies after it was reported that Cambridge Analytica had obtained data from up to 50 million Facebook users. The revelation sparked new concern about the amount of … Read More


Facebook temporarily blocks new apps from joining its platform

Facebook paused its app review process last week to “implement new changes,” the company quietly announced yesterday. Facebook's move to momentarily prevent new apps and chatbots onto its platform comes after the Cambridge Analytica data privacy scandal that's unfolded over the last two … Read More


Facebook is changing what data advertisers can use to target you with ads

Facebook is going to limit how much data it makes available to advertisers buying hyper-targeted ads on the social network. More specifically, Facebook says it will stop using data from third-party data aggregators — companies like Experian and Acxiom — to help supplement its own data set for ad … Read …


Delete Facebook? It’s a lot more complicated than that

Instead, some people are toying with a social media sabbatical or detox — or just using Facebook less. The prospect of severing that digital lifeline to family and friends and leaving behind an extensive archive of treasured moments is unthinkable, especially when there are few good alternatives apart … Read More


What To Look For in Your Facebook Data—And How to Find It

You've likely heard by now about Cambridge Analytica, the shadowy, Trump-affiliated data analysis firm that reportedly siphoned off information belonging to 50 million Facebook users, according to The Guardian and Observer, along with The New York Times. In the wake of the scandal over Facebook's … Read More


A Facebook Owned by Users Could Solve a Lot

They told me that Facebook had revolutionized scamming. The company built tools with its trove of user data that made it the go-to platform for big brands. Affiliates hijacked them. Facebook's targeting algorithm is so powerful, they said, they don't need to identify suckers themselves—Facebook does it … Read More


Facebook is rushing out a new design for privacy settings

Facebook announced today (March 28) that is redesigning its privacy controls to make it easier for users to access, alter, and erase the data the social network has stored about them. “Most of these updates have been in the works for some time, but the events of the past several …


Don’t bother trying to quit Facebook – it’s too late and you won’t change anything

I respect anyone who took the decision to abandon Facebook this month in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal that engulfed the social media giant. Killing off your online avatar is commendable, especially as so many of us rely on the omniscient platform to design everything from our social … …