
Facebook Could Be Fined Millions for Violating Consent Deal

The FTC is probing how data from 50 million Facebook users was obtained by Cambridge Analytica, a British political consulting firm that consulted on President Donald Trump's campaign, and whether the transfer violated pledges the company made to settle an earlier privacy case. Investigators can … Read More


Facebook to stop allowing data brokers such as Experian to target users

The feature, known as “Partner Categories”, will be “winding down over the next six months”, Facebook announced in a terse blogpost. The company says the move “will help improve people's privacy on Facebook.” Previously, data brokers were able to target specific sets of Facebook users, letting them … Read More


Facebook: Would It Help If We Shared Less User Info With Huge Data Brokers?

The measures, part of which Facebook announced late Wednesday, affect a group of so-called data brokers such as Acxiom Corp. and Oracle Corp.'s Oracle Data Cloud, formerly known as DataLogix, that gather shopping and other information on consumers that Facebook for years has incorporated … Read More


Facebook needs to change its business model to win back user trust, says early advisor

Facebook needs to change its business model to win back trust, says early Facebook advisor Robert McNamee. 'If you want to restore trust, you have to accept that some of your past business practices are deeply harmful to people,' he says. That involves changing the fundamental advertising business … Read More


Facebook will cut off access to third party data for ad targeting

In a surprise change, Facebook will give up one major data source that the company uses to help advertisers target relevant users on the platform. The company just announced that it will end a feature called Partner Categories, launched back in 2013 out of a partnership between Facebook and major … …


Facebook Says It’s Rolling Out New Privacy Controls, But I Don’t Have Them Yet. (So I Guess We’re …

That's resulted, so far, in a drastic drop in Facebook's stock price and a robust #deletefacbook movement. Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg posted replies, Zuck did some interviews, Facebook took out a bunch of full-page newspaper ads–and now they're rolling out these new user-facing tools. Read More


Don’t Just Delete Facebook, Poison Your Data First

In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, there's a widespread movement for people to #DeleteFacebook. But even when you go through all the steps to wipe your account, the odds are high that Facebook still has deep caches of all your user data, which is can still use. Better …


Apple’s Tim Cook rebukes Zuckerberg over Facebook’s business model

But Cook has been sounding the alarm on mass data collection by Facebook and Google for years. The executive has long pointed to the distinction between Apple's business model – selling products to customers for a profit – and that of internet platforms that are “gobbling up everything they can …


Facebook to Block Option of Using Data Brokers for Ad Targeting

“While this is common industry practice, we believe this step, winding down over the next six months, will help improve people's privacy on Facebook,” Graham Mudd, Facebook product marketing director, said in a statement about the change in policy on data brokers on Wednesday. The company … Read More


Facebook test gives users a private comment option for public posts

For those of you still using Facebook in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, it's testing a new feature which allows users to start private conversations in the comments section of a Facebook Page. Users who are part of the test can leave comments on any post on a …