
Senior Facebook executive Andrew Bosworth defends leaked memo that said ‘growth is justified …

A senior Facebook executive has defended a leaked internal memo in which he appeared to endorse growth even at the expense of user safety. Andrew Bosworth wrote in 2016 that social media giant's reason for existence was connecting people – and it should pursue that mission and embrace “growth … Read …


Facebook memo outlines ‘ugly truth’ behind its mission

A Facebook executive wrote the company must pursue its aim of connecting people using “questionable” practices even if it costs lives, in a 2016 memo leaked in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica revelations. Andrew Bosworth, a vice-president at Facebook who has been there since the early days, … Read More


Six words Facebook needs to remember

Like MySpace, Facebook was desperately trying to be a dominant internet platform before it essentially morphed into one of the world's biggest advertisers. Ultimately, it simply managed to successfully navigate that evolution while MySpace didn't. Unlike other emerging social media companies at the … Read More


Leaked Facebook memo: ‘ugly truth’ justified any growth tactics

Buzzfeed has published an internal Facebook memo entitled "The Ugly" from 2016 that shows just how much emphasis the social network places on growth above safety, privacy and everything else. Written by Facebook VP Andrew "Boz" Bosworth, one of Mark Zuckerberg's staunchest allies, the memo … Read More


Here are the internal Facebook posts of employees discussing today’s leaked memo

The publication of a June 2016 memo describing the consequences of Facebook's growth-at-all-costs triggered an emotional conversation at the company today. An internal post reacting to the memo found employees angry and heartbroken that their teammates were sharing internal company … Read More


Lies, Damned Lies And Facebook

An academic in the UK built a questionnaire app in 2013 which 270,000 people responded to, crowding in a network of 50 million Facebook friends. Due to the way Facebook exposed its data back then, personal profile data of 50 million users was allegedly obtained and misused by Cambridge … Read …


Facebook Starts Fact Checking Photos and Videos in This Country

Facebook has started to fact-check photos and videos to thwart the spread of fake news. The social media giant said Thursday that it has partnered with the Agence France-Presse (AFP) news service to scrutinize photos and videos in France for accuracy in addition to conventional news stories … Read More


Leaked Facebook memo prizes growth over user safety

Andrew "Boz" Bosworth, a top Facebook executive, is known for being outspoken. On Thursday, Bosworth's comments came back to haunt him. The head of Facebook's hardware business is under fire for an internal memo penned in 2016 in which he appears to stress the company's growth above … Read More


Why not nationalize Facebook?

In this April 2017 photo, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg speaks at his company's annual developer conference in San Jose, Calif. Zuckerberg says he will testify to U.S. Congress about the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica data breach. (AP Photo/Noah Berger, File … Read More


Facebook Curbs Information Shared With Data Brokers, Launches New User Privacy Tools

is limiting the amount of user information it shares with companies that gather and sell consumer data for advertisers amid mounting backlash over the social media company's privacy practices. Facebook announced late Wednesday that it is eliminating an ad-targeting tool called Partner Categories that … Read More