
Facebook gathered us all together — and then set a four-alarm dumpster fire

Since the first tiny packets of information passed across the primordial internet, dreamers have imagined what wonders might be possible once everyone is connected to everyone else. Mark Zuckerberg made this his mission with Facebook. Connectivity, Zuckerberg has said, is a basic human right. Read More


Here’s what Facebook employees are saying about that ‘growth at any cost’ memo

Facebook employees are reportedly up in arms over a BuzzFeed report detailing a leaked "growth at any cost" memo from Andrew "Boz" Bosworth, a vice president at the social network, that was originally published in 2016. Comments from Facebook employees published by the Verge late Thursday … Read More


Facebook’s terrible month just got even worse

The Facebook executive who penned a 2016 memo claiming the “ugly truth” about the platform's growth was that “maybe someone dies in a terrorist attack coordinated on our tools” deleted the post Thursday and denied he was serious. The document, published by BuzzFeed Thursday, was originally … Read More


Mark Zuckerberg Defends Facebook After a Controversial Memo Called for Growth At All Costs

A controversial memo written by a top Facebook insider is causing a ruckus inside and outside the company as it continues to deal with the fallout from the Cambridge Analytica scandal and its handling of users' personal information more broadly. The memo, written by Facebook Vice President Andrew … Read More


2016 Facebook memo defends ‘ugly’ growth strategy, even if it gets people killed

A Facebook Inc. executive wrote a memo in 2016 that said the company's strategy of growth at any cost could have disastrous consequences — even cause deaths — yet still be “justified.” In the leaked memo, published Thursday by Buzzfeed, Facebook Vice President Andrew Bosworth talked about the … Read More


Newly-revealed 2016 internal memo says Facebook growth justified even if it kills someone

This was one that most people at Facebook including myself disagreed with strongly. We've never believed the ends justify the means. We recognize that connecting people isn't enough by itself. We also need to work to bring people closer together. We changed our whole mission and company focus to … Read …


Facebook exec goes on a tweetstorm after damning memo leaked

When you're a high-level Facebook executive and something you said in the past comes back to haunt you, your best hope for salvation is frantically taking to Twitter. Or so it would seem for Andrew "Boz" Bosworth, the Facebook Vice President who is trying to distance himself from an internal …


A Short History of Facebook’s Privacy Gaffes

From Facebook's earliest days, he figured people would eventually grow comfortable sharing everything with everyone—indeed, his business depended on it. Everytime Facebook rolled out a new feature, a subset of us questioned our ability to control who gets to see the personal information we'd been … Read More


Facebook ‘ugly truth’ growth memo haunts firm

A Facebook executive's memo that claimed the "ugly truth" was that anything it did to grow was justified has been made public, embarrassing the company. The 2016 post said that this applied even if it meant people might die as a result of bullying or terrorism. Both the author and …


Facebook to simplify privacy controls amid anger over breach

NEW YORK • Facebook will roll out a centralised system for its users to control their privacy and security settings in fewer taps following an outcry over the way it has handled personal data. The system, which will be introduced to Facebook users globally over the coming weeks, will allow …