
Twitter lights up with strong reactions to leaked Facebook memo

The memo, penned by executive Andrew "Boz" Bosworth in 2016, puts a premium on getting people to sign up for and use the social network, even if Facebook inadvertently exposes them to bullying or connects terrorists. The memo even had a grim title: "The Ugly." "Maybe it costs a life …


Facebook executive defends memo saying connecting people online is good even if ‘someone …

A Facebook executive once said the company's drive to connect people online is a good thing even if “someone dies in a terrorist attack” planned through the website. Andrew Bosworth wrote in the 2016 internal memo that the firm's “ugly truth” was that it believed in improving connections between … Read …


Vox Sentences: Want a visa? Uncle Sam wants to check your Facebook first

[Matthew Lee / Associated Press]; The administration hasn't clarified which social media accounts would be subject to review, (likely Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, and possibly some international platforms like Weibo). But the proposal does stop short of asking visa applicants for their … Read More


Zuckerberg Finds It’s Not Easy to Tame Facebook’s Growth Obsession

When Mark Zuckerberg isn't responding to the latest scandal engulfing his company, he's actually trying to fix Facebook: He's trying to redirect its obsession with growth—in users and in the time they spend on Facebook—to focus on whether those users have good experiences on the platform. Read More


What Facebook, Google Know About You

It's nice how Facebook keeps our pictures and posts about our favorite moments, but it also keeps information about the things you like, where you've been, and your contact information. 7 News reporter Patrick Malowski downloaded his information. He said it was as easy as going to his Facebook … Read …


How Facebook Can Better Fight Fake News: Make Money Off the People Who Promote It

Recent revelations about Cambridge Analytica and Facebook's slow corporate response have drawn attention away from this ongoing, equally serious problem: spend enough time on Facebook, and you are still sure to see dubious, sponsored headlines scrolling across your screen, especially during … Read More


Facebook’s Ideological Imperialism

It's mostly forgotten now, but for a time, expanding the reach of social networks—making Facebook, Twitter, and others like it as large as possible—was an avowed foreign-policy goal of the United States. That is, at least, what the secretary of state said in the early days of this decade, in …


The Kiwi social network that still has your deleted Facebook data

There's a good chance your old embarrassing Facebook posts and likes are still online, even if you've deleted your account. In the wake of … But there's a little-known New Zealand-based search engine that scooped up millions of people's data in Facebook's early days, and it's still available. The Profile … …


Leaked Facebook memo defended growth at all costs

SAN FRANCISCO • Facebook's troubles have worsened with the leak of a two-year-old memo from a high-ranking executive hinting that the social network was determined to grow at all costs, even at the risk of endangering lives. Mr Andrew Bosworth, a Facebook vice-president considered part of chief … Read More


Another chapter on Facebook’s privacy woes is being written in Latin America

The abuse of Facebook's platform for political purposes is a problem that doesn't stop at the U.S border. Governments around the world are continuing to wrestle with the implications of Cambridge Analytica's acquisition of Facebook user data from the heart of Europe to the capitals of Latin America's … Read More