
Facebook’s top ad exec sends a video to advertisers about fake news and other issues

Carolyn Everson, Facebook's vice president of global marketing solutions, regularly sends out video messages to communicate with the company's internal ad-sales teams. But in mid-February, Everson did something unusual: She recorded a video for clients explaining what Facebook was doing to … Read More


Facebook launches anti-fake news campaign in Netherlands

This week Facebook is launching an advertisement campaign in the Netherlands aimed at teaching Dutch Facebook users how to recognize fake news. Ads with tips on how to do so will appear on the social media platform itself. Facebook aims to reach "as good as all Dutch people who have … …


Facebook Ends News Feed Test – How this Impacts Public Pages

Facebook announced it was ending a news feed test called the Explore Feed. The test allowed users to choose from two news feeds. One feed was dedicated to friends and family. The second feed was for public pages. Ending the test signals that Facebook is committed to the newly updated …


Facebook criticised for ‘irresponsible’ survey on child grooming rules

The company offered the survey takers four options, only one of which let them say that the content should not be allowed on Facebook. A second question asked the surveyed Facebook users whom they thought should decide the rules regarding whether an adult man could ask a 14-year-old girl for … …


Facebook slammed by users over ‘unacceptable’ child grooming rules survey

Facebook has been slammed by social media users after a survey it ran sparked controversy. Internet users were left … The Mark Zuckerberg-owned company asked users how they thought the Facebook policy surrounding child grooming should be developed. Facebook logo. It controversially asked: … Read More


Kim Kardashian is making a celebrity pranking show for Facebook

The series will tap into Facebook's massive user base by choosing members to prank their fave celebs and crowd-sourcing top prank ideas. The show is a big scoop for Facebook, which has been making inroads into original video since the launch of its dedicated video section (Facebook Watch) in … Read …


Report: Facebook Asks Users If Child Grooming Should Be Allowed

Facebook reportedly asked several thousand of its users in a survey what 'rules' the site should follow in deciding whether or not to allow a hypothetical scenario in which “an adult man” sent a “private message” asking a “14 year old girl for sexual pictures.” The multiple-choice answers for the …


Facebook asked users whether they want child grooming to be allowed on the site

Facebook asked its users whether they would like child grooming to be permitted on the site. In a surreal survey, it asked how it should approach the issue — but didn't give contacting the police as an option. British politicians have criticised the social network's questioning as "stupid and irresponsible." … …


The Gray Market: Why Art Censorship Is Built Into Facebook’s DNA (and Other Insights)

In fairness to Facebook, some of those overreaches occurred when its content policies were as vague as a half-assed police sketch. The platform has revised its guidelines countless times over the years in response to various snafus and crises. Here's the text in Facebook's community standards on … Read More


Europe plans special tax for Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon

Bruno Le Maire, France's minister for the economy, has revealed that a plan to levy a special tax on Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon will soon be revealed by European authorities. Le Maire told French newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche "A European directive will be unveiled in the coming … Read …