
Facebook Under Fire for Bizarre Child Predator Survey Question

Survey participants were asked whether sexual predators should be allowed to request photographic images from 14-year-old girls online. Further, users were queried about how Facebook should handle such a request if it learned about it. The survey also asked whether the site should better manage … Read More


Facebook asks its users: Is pedophilia okay?

Facebook got itself in blazing hot water today when a survey surfaced that appeared to ask users if they condone illicit correspondence between an adult male and a minor child. In response, the company said it was a “mistake” but danced around explaining why they asked the question in the …


Outrage as Facebook asks if child grooming should be ALLOWED

FACEBOOK has been slammed for asking if child grooming should be allowed on its site. … She said: “I cannot imagine that Facebook executives ever want it on their platform but they also should not send out surveys that suggest they might tolerate it or suggest to Facebook users that …


Facebook gives more than 50 publishers access to ‘Breaking News’ label

Facebook is making another attempt to fine-tune the way its users consume news articles. Last November, the site gave a small group of local and national publishers the ability to include a “Breaking News” label on their stories. Starting today, Facebook is expanding its “Breaking News” label test run to … …


Couple who faked holiday sickness ‘rumbled’ on Facebook

… Spa in Turkey in July 2015. The following April, the pair submitted claims through their solicitor saying they both fell ill with food poisoning during their stay. But investigators found photographs on Facebook of the couple, who have since split, lounging by the swimming pool, drinking and eating dinner. …


Child abuse poll a ‘mistake’ – Facebook

In what has become a seemingly regular occurrence, Facebook is being asked: how on earth did this happen? On Sunday Facebook asked an unspecified number of users their thoughts on how child abuse images should be handled on the network. It gave a scenario in which an “adult man" asks …


Facebook regrets asking how to handle men asking girls for smut pix

The survey continued with a question about whether Facebook, external experts, or Facebook users should decide on these rules, again without mentioning that various national legal systems already spell out rules that disallow such behavior. The survey was noted by Jonathan Haynes, digital editor of … Read More


The man who stole Frances McDormand’s Oscar streamed it to Facebook

Instead, her award was swiped off her table during the Governors Ball celebration after the ceremonies. Variety reports that Terry Bryant, 47, was arrested and charged with grand theft shortly after posting a Facebook video of himself drinking and galavanting around with the giant gold statue. Subtle. Read More


Facebook’s breaking news label flags the latest news — and increases shares

As Facebook prioritizes posts from friends, the social media platform is giving news a boost with a red breaking news label. On Monday, March 5, Facebook announced the expansion of a test for a breaking news label on links and Live videos. Facebook has been testing the breaking news label …


BuzzFeed’s Matthew Henick takes content role at Facebook

Matthew Henick, formerly the head of BuzzFeed Studios, is joining Facebook's media partnerships team, where he will serve as head of content planning and strategy. In a post on Facebook, Henick argued that the social network is “a storytelling platform at its core,” and it sounds like he wants to …