
Facebook Hires Pinterest Exec Mike Bidgoli to Lead Watch Video Product Team

“Facebook Watch is a challenging and ambitious attempt to solve a problem that personally and professionally captivates me,” Bidgoli wrote in a Medium post. With more opportunities than ever for creators to distribute content, “Facebook will play a huge part in unlocking this creative energy and … Read More


New Foils for the Right: Google and Facebook

Arguing that Silicon Valley is stifling their speech and suppressing right-wing content, publishers and provocateurs on the right are eyeing a public-relations battle against online giants like Google and Facebook, the same platforms they once relied on to build a national movement. In a sign of escalation, … Read More


Facebook’s Latest Algorithm Change: Here Are The News Sites That Stand To Lose The Most

Many other media companies are anxious that Facebook's shifting priorities could cause a dramatic drop in their online readership too, continuing an overall decline in referral traffic from the social network that began as much as two years ago. Facebook has said it expects the change (announced by … Read More


Facebook looks to change the tune with move into music videos

The most-shared piece of content on Facebook last year was not a fake news article, Kremlin-connected advert or conspiracy theory about the Pope — topics which have dominated debate over the social network's place in society. Rather, it was a link to the music video for Despacito, the … Read More


‘Facebook or bust’: Facebook publisher Attn stands its ground after news-feed change

On March 1 at Attn, a social video news startup, a couple dozen staffers in the L.A. headquarters got an email summoning them to a meeting. The all-caps subject line: “February views emergency meeting.” The month had just ended, and Facebook's January news-feed change to prioritize user posts had … Read …


Disturbing Facebook survey asks users whether child grooming should be allowed on the social …

Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid Email. Facebook has asked several thousand users whether or not it should allow child grooming to take place on the social network. … "This content should be allowed on Facebook, and I would not mind seeing it." The Guardian's Jonathan Haynes was one of … …


Facebook hires Pinterest and BuzzFeed execs to bolster its video content

The social media giant has hired BuzzFeed Studios former head Matthew Henick to lead Facebook's global video content strategy and planning, reports Reuters. From Pinterest, Facebook grabbed Mike Bidgoli to lead the Facebook Watch product team. Facebook Watch is the company's … Read More


Gazan journalists protest ‘discriminatory’ targeting by Facebook

Journalists in Gaza protested on Monday against what they called Facebook's policy of targeting Palestinian activists. The rally, organised by the Journalist Support Committee (JSC) and held outside of the UNESCO headquarters in Gaza City, was aimed at highlighting what Palestinian activists call … Read More


Facebook hires former BuzzFeed, Pinterest executives for video content

BuzzFeed Studios former head Matthew Henick will lead Facebook's global video content strategy and planning, he said in a Facebook post on Monday. Mike Bidgoli, who worked at image-based searching and sharing website Pinterest for nearly two years, will lead the Facebook Watch product team, … Read More


Facebook expands breaking news label to more publishers

Facebook began testing a "breaking news" label for developing stories back in November, and now the social network is expanding the option to more publishers. Starting this week, the company says 50 more outlets in North America, Latin America, Europe and Australia will be privy to the tag. That's in … …