
After Facebook news-feed changes, publishers look hopefully to Pinterest

The big shift last year in terms of referral traffic was Facebook declining as a source of traffic for publishers while Google surpassed it. Pinterest, along with Instagram, grew as traffic sources as well, although from smaller bases. The online scrapbooking platform represented nearly 8 percent of … Read More


Facebook’s refusal to share data undermines global response to fake news

The company refuses to give researchers, academics and journalists access to data it collects on people's individual Facebook pages. That makes it almost impossible to track, analyze and predict how waves of online misinformation — last week's Italian election again showed how such fake news could … Read More


‘The Times’ paid Facebook to promote pro-Brexit content to users in Ireland

The sponsored Facebook article was written by UK-based Times columnist Ian Martin and was headlined: 'The Rise of Juncker's chief of staff and … One Irish Facebook user who received the pro-Brexit article on their timeline found the content was targeted at 'people aged 33 and older who live or … …


Facebook is quietly rolling out new face recognition features, and you might want to change your …

If you're one of the literally billions of people who regularly use Facebook, it might be time to update your user settings. The social media giant is quietly rolling out a host of new features. While Facebook updates and changes are regularly met with no small amount of trepidation (and …


For Facebook at SXSW, It’s All About Video Storytelling

For its 2018 activation at South by Southwest, Facebook is showcasing its products–Instagram, Oculus, and Messenger–in a way that will help educate marketers on how best to navigate them all. Working with agency Magnetic, Facebook set up a series of experiences for marketers in its Austin office, … Read More


Extremely British bunfight breaks out over scones on Cornish estate’s Facebook page

Or are you someone who is oblivious to the complexities of eating baked goods because it doesn't really matter as it all gets mixed up in your gob anyway? Well, there are plenty of British people who believe it matters. And there's been a right royal uproar about a Facebook …


Rainsy’s request for info on Hun Sen’s Facebook page rejected

Facebook has rejected outright Sam Rainsy's suit for information regarding Prime Minister Hun Sen's social media page, with the matter now in the hands of a California court to decide if it will order the Silicon Valley giant to comply with Rainsy's request. Rainsy, the former opposition leader, submitted … Read …


London Mayor Khan Tells Facebook, Twitter to Act Over Abuse

London Mayor Sadiq Khan is warning Facebook Inc., Twitter Inc. and Alphabet Inc.'s YouTube they will face a potential clampdown from governments … While welcoming steps that Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have taken in response to criticism, Khan will add: “With the skills and resources these … Read More


London mayor Sadiq Khan ripped into big tech over fake news, online abuse, and regulatory …

Mayor Sadiq Khan will rip into Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Uber for their role in the rise of fake news, online abuse, and regulatory arbitrage. Khan will speak at the SXSW tech conference in Texas, where he will also criticise the government for not updating laws fast enough to keep …


Dog ‘hanging’ video appears on Facebook

A video which appears to show a dog being hanged in Belfast has appeared on Facebook. The distressed animal can be heard struggling in the footage as a voice calls to those responsible to stop what they are doing. Police said they were appealing for witnesses to come forward. In …