
Facebook critics want regulation, investigation after data misuse

Facebook said the root of the problem was that researchers and Cambridge Analytica lied to it and abused its policies, but critics on Saturday threw blame at Facebook as well, demanding answers on behalf of users and calling for new regulation. Facebook insisted the data was misused but not stolen, … …


Facebook critics — including within US Congress — want regulation, investigation after data …

Facebook faced new calls for regulation from within U.S. Congress and was hit with questions about personal data safeguards on Saturday after reports a political consultant gained inappropriate access to 50 million users' data starting in 2014. Facebook disclosed the issue in a blog post on Friday, … Read More


No Breach, But Not Secure: Cambridge Misuse Shows Facebook Flaws

Yes, Cambridge Analytica, the data-analysis firm that helped U.S. President Donald Trump win the 2016 election, violated rules when it obtained information from some 50 million Facebook profiles, the social-media company acknowledged late Friday. But the data came from someone who didn't hack … Read More


Whistleblower explains how Cambridge Analytica ‘exploited’ Facebook

Last night Facebook announced bans against Cambridge Analytica, its parent company and several individuals for allegedly sharing and keeping data that they had promised to delete. This data reportedly included information siphoned from hundreds of thousands of Amazon Mechanical Turkers who … Read More


The Cambridge Analytica Debacle is not a Facebook “Data Breach.” Maybe It Should Be.

On March 16, we learned that Facebook will be suspending Strategic Communications Laboratories (SCL) and its offshoot Cambridge Analytica. According to Facebook, a University of Cambridge professor Aleksandr Kogan was using Facebook Login in his “research app,” collecting data about its users … Read More


‘Cambridge Analytica harvested data of 50 million Facebook users’

Cambridge Analytica, a big data company focused on political and commercial ad campaigns, paid for illegally obtained personal information of 50 million Facebook users, according to the New York Times and London Observer. The company, which worked on Donald Trump's 2016 presidential … Read More


How to make sure sketchy Facebook apps aren’t spying on you

Over the years, you've probably logged into a lot of services on Facebook without thinking about how those services use your data. Some of those services may have leveraged your data to undermine the very foundations of American democracy. Hard to say! New reports from the Guardian and New … Read …


Here’s how Facebook allowed Cambridge Analytica to get data for 50 million users

Cambridge Analytica, the data analytics firm that helped Donald Trump get elected president, amassed a trove of Facebook user data for some 50 million people without ever getting their permission, according to a report from The New York Times. Facebook is in another awkward situation. The company … Read More


Facebook and YouTube should have learned from Microsoft’s racist chatbot

Microsoft made a Twitter chatbot in 2016 that was trained to say outrageous things by users, but Facebook and YouTube don't seem to have learned from the mistake. Psychological studies have shown that people are drawn to negative and offensive content, so engagement maximization drives the … Read More


Cambridge Analytica suspended from Facebook amid claims it harvested 50 million profiles

A data analytics firm that worked with Donald Trump's election team has been suspended from Facebook amid claims it harvested 50 million profiles from the social media site. Cambridge Analytica got information from an academic who was asking Facebook users to fill out surveys via an app as it … Read …