WhatsApp has always been evolving with new features and updates since its inception, the Facebook-owned real-time messenger platform has gained a lot of features — some of which have made it an indispensable app for every smartphone user. However, there's good news once again for Android … Read More
WhatsApp for Android gets updated with a range of new features. The latest version of WhatsApp app for Android adds some new features to make group communication more interesting and interactive. These features include – group description and search participants. Additionally, WhatsApp also … Read More
WhatsApp has now rolled out new features to the app. The new feature will allow users to add a group description so that users can know what the group is about. Additionally, a user can now switch between voice and video calling. Users can now add a description to any …
WhatsApp has rolled the P2P payments system a while back for the Indian users. But the company did not reveal complete details about the new payments system though, but it kept on increasing the user interface, bringing it closer to the final version with every passing week. However, we have …
Gudi Padwa People play the drums as they attend celebrations to mark the Gudi Padwa festival, the beginning of the New Year for Maharashtrians, in Mumbai, India March 28, 2017. , Reuters. Share. Written By. DNA Web Team. Updated: Mar 17, 2018, 04:06 PM IST. Gudi Padwa on Sunday will …
The committee said that it would also seek to find out “all messaging applications that Mr. [Jared] Kushner used during the campaign as well as the presidential transition, including but not limited to SMS, iMessage, Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, Signal, Slack, Instagram, and Snapchat.”. Read More
A BLOKE has received some surprising replies after adding all 52 girls in his phone book to one WhatsApp group to ask what they were doing that night. Dom Flanagan reportedly thought he could save some time with the audacious move after a few pints in the pub. A bloke …
WhatsApp has begun rolling out a new feature that will change the way you use and interact with the groups. The new feature allows you to add a group description so that the group members know what the group is about. Besides, WhatsApp has introduced one more feature for the …
In Maharashtra, the festival is observed by hoisting Gudi, making rangolis, organising street processions and gorging on festive foods. In 2018, Gudi Padwa falls on March 18. Here are Facebook, WhatsApp messages, greetings, and images you can send to your loved ones, far and near, to celebrate the … Read More
NEW DELHI: Ever since WhatsApp came into our lives, the way we communicate hasn't been the same. Group chats, sharing pictures, delivered message time all are things that have been part of our communication routine. And these features are constantly evolving and getting better with WhatsApp … Read More