Facebook hit with shareholder lawsuits over data misuse crisis


One lawsuit filed yesterday in Northern California on behalf of a Facebook shareholder, Jeremiah Hallisey, alleges the company's senior management “breached their fiduciary duties by failing to prevent the initial misappropriation [of user data by CA] and, after learning of it in 2015, failing to inform …

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Does Facebook Know What a ‘Hard Question’ Is?

In June of last year, Facebook announced its latest effort to hold itself accountable and be more transparent. Called “Hard Questions,” the series of blog posts are intended to illuminate users about where the social network stands on some of the thornier issues facing the social network. But how hard …

Facebook must face class action lawsuit over face-tagging in photos, judge rules

A U.S. federal judge ruled on Monday that Facebook must face a class action lawsuit alleging that the social network unlawfully created facial templates for people without their permission. The ruling adds to the privacy woes that have been mounting against Facebook for weeks, since it was disclosed … Read More …

Facebook tries to clarify how it collects data when you’re not on Facebook

Facebook is trying to demystify the ways in which it tracks people when they aren't directly using the website or app. The company on Monday published a blog post that outlined its data collection practices less than a week after Mark Zuckerberg testified about his company in front of Congress. …